The Arc Jacksonville’s Advocacy, Support and Knowledge (A.S.K.) department assists individuals with disabilities gain the information, training and support needed to achieve improved self-sufficiency, independence and well-being. Individuals, families and circles of support can find answers to issues that arise throughout the lifespan.
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Stay up to date
ASK manages two information distribution lists to connect professionals, families and individuals with disability-related information.
To be added to the distribution lists, please provide your email address and make sure to check which information list you would like to be added too.
DD Shoptalk
The DD Shoptalk Group is an exchange forum for professionals for information, activities and resources that are available in the greater Jacksonville area that would be of interest to individuals with I/DD.
NEFL Disability Info
The ASK program connects families, professionals and individuals with differences with information about workshops, training, conferences, social opportunities, public hearings, legislative alerts and other disability-related information that impact Northeast Florida.